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President of Uzbekistan signs decree on liberalization of monetary policy 본문

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President of Uzbekistan signs decree on liberalization of monetary policy

Jeffrey.C 2017. 9. 5. 07:35

즈베키스탄 샤브카트 미르지요예프 대통령이 지난 2일(토요일) 

통화정책 자유화 법안에 싸인을 했다고 한다. 

(Reference : 원문 - The President signed a decree on the liberalization of monetary policy 

오늘, 5일부터 우즈벡 국민 및 기업은
외화를 공식환율에 맞춰 매매가 가능하고,
아무런 제약없이 해외거래가 가능해 졌다.

즉, 금일부터 우즈벡 법인은 국제간 거래
(물품의 수입, 노동 및 서비스,
수익의 본국송환, 대출금의 상환,
여행경비 지출 및 기타 비거래성 송금 등)
에 있어 상업은행을 통해 외화 구매가 가능하며,
거래 환율은 오직 시장 메카니즘에 의해서
정해지게 된다.
우즈벡에 거주하는 개인 역시
이날부터 아무 제약 없이 은행 창구를 통해
자유로이 외환거래를 할 수 있게 된다.

소비재를 수입하는 개인 사업자 역시
은행계좌를 통해 외화를 거래하는 것이 허용되며,
기존 수출자들의 외환거래를 위한
의무적 요구사항절차 등도 모두 폐지되었다.
기존 외환거래를 하는 모든 기업가 및
사업자들은 계좌를 통해
외환인출 거래가 가능해 졌다.
해당 법안은 우즈베키스탄 영토 내에서
물품이나 용역, 서비스 구매를 위한
외화지불은 금지되어있으며,

다만, 글로벌신용카드 사용을 통한 지불은
예외로 한다는 것을 명기하고 있다.

물품이나 용역, 서비스에 대한 가격이나
관세 또는 기업의 최소법정자본금 등은
오직 국가화폐인 숨으로서 정해질 수 있다.

또한, 국가 세금이나, 공공수수료 및 기타
의무적으로 지급해야 하는 지불금은
오직 숨으로만 결제가 가능하다다.
(대사관 및 영사관 관련 비용 제외)

본 법안의 주요 목적은 다음과 같이
기술되어 진다.

"외화재원을 활용함에 있어 시장기능을 강화하고,
모든 경제주체들에게 외환시장 내
동등한 경쟁력을 보유하게 해주며,
국제경제협력 강화를 위한 통화정책을
촉진시키기 위함" 이다.
외환 매매를 위한 수수료는
각 거래 대상 상업은행에 의해 책정될 것이며,
외화 대출금의 실행 및 상환에 대한 조건도
역시 마찬가지이다.

이와 관련된 리스크는
entrepreneurial risk로 분류되며,
각 해당 상업은행이 책임지게 된다.

법안은 또, 상업은행들이 기존
외환거래 운영을 위해 보유하고 있던
별도 라이센스 역시 폐기시킨다.
외환거래 운영은 앞으로 은행업무
라이센스 기반 하에 수행되어 질 것이다.
정부는 또 은행 시스템의 재정적 안정도 측정,
기초산업의 재정적 지원,
빈곤계층을 위한 정부지원 강화 등

통화 자유화 정책의 파급효과를
안정화시킬 수 있는 관련 방법의 초안을
1주일 내 제시하라고 지시되어 졌다.

[기사 원문 : 영문 번역기 돌림]

The President signed a decree on the liberalization of monetary policy

Since September 5, Uzbek citizens can sell foreign currency at exchange rates at exchange rates and purchase it on conversion cards for use abroad without restrictions.

Since September 5, legal entities of Uzbekistan will be able to purchase foreign currency in commercial banks without restrictions for payment on current international transactions (import of goods, works and services, repatriation of profits, repayment of loans, payment of travel expenses and other transfers of non-trade nature). This is stipulated by the decree of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev on September 2 "On Priority Measures for Liberalizing Currency Policy". The site of the President, after the publication of the decree, was temporarily unavailable due to the heavy workload.

The decree established that when establishing the exchange rate of the national currency in relation to foreign currency, only market mechanisms are used.

Individuals-residents of Uzbekistan from this date can freely sell in exchange offices and purchase foreign currency in the conversion departments of commercial banks in accordance with the current procedure with the transfer of purchased funds to international payment cards and use them abroad without any restrictions.

Individual entrepreneurs without the formation of a legal entity engaged in the import of consumer goods are allowed to purchase foreign currency through bank accounts in the manner established for individuals.

The requirement of mandatory sale of proceeds in foreign currency to exporters, regardless of their form of ownership, is canceled.

Individual entrepreneurs without a legal entity, as well as farms that have incomes in foreign currency, can withdraw cash foreign currency from their bank accounts.

The decree specifies that in the territory of Uzbekistan it is prohibited to make payments in foreign currency for goods, works and services, with the exception of payments through international plastic cards in accordance with international practice.

The prices and tariffs for goods, works and services, as well as minimum requirements to the authorized capital of the companies are now determined only in the national currency.

State duties, fees and other mandatory payments are accepted only in sums, with the exception of consular fees.

The decree recognizes that " excessive administrative regulation in the sphere of currency circulation unjustifiably created an inefficient system of privileges and preferences for individual industries and business entities, led to unequal business conditions and violations of market competition principles, became a retarding factor for attracting foreign investment, increasing exports of goods and services, in general economic development of the country. "

"Ensuring the full exercise of the rights of legal entities and individuals to freely acquire and sell foreign currency and dispose of their own foreign currency at their own discretion " is named in the decree as one of the main priorities of state economic policy in the field of liberalization of the foreign exchange market.

Priority directions also define "increasing the role of market instruments in the use of foreign exchange resources, creating equal competitive conditions in the foreign exchange market for all economic entities, enhancing the stimulating role of monetary policy in export development in non-traditional sectors, and strengthening regional and international economic cooperation."

The amount of commissions for the purchase and sale of foreign currency will be established by commercial banks on their own, as well as the conditions for the issuance and repayment of loans in foreign currency. The risks of banks related to foreign currency purchase and sale transactions are classified as entrepreneurial risk, and management is the responsibility of a commercial bank;

The decree also abolished the practice of issuing commercial banks a license to conduct operations in foreign currency. These operations are now carried out on the basis of a license to conduct banking activities.

The President instructed the republican and territorial commissions to monitor and control prices for basic types of socially important food products to take effective prices to ensure price stability, including by strengthening inspections and prompt saturation of markets with food.

The government was instructed in a week's time to develop draft decisions to mitigate the effects of monetary policy liberalization, including measures to ensure financial stability of the banking system, financial support for basic industries, optimize rates of customs payments, and strengthen state support for socially vulnerable segments of the population. In particular, in 2017-2018, it is planned to increase the number of recipients of benefits to families with children under the age of 14 on average 1.5 times and recipients of material assistance to low-income families on average by 2 times.